chadkoh’s avatarchadkoh’s Twitter Archive—№ 15,479

  1. …in reply to @TakeshiMorisato
    @TakeshiMorisato @TokyoKenopsia @waseda_univ @CornellPress @NewBooksNetwork @NewBooksEAsia That is brilliant cover design! Looking forward to listening to the show
    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      @TakeshiMorisato @CornellPress @NewBooksNetwork @NewBooksEAsia Thanks for the ep. The book sounds very interesting. Does she supply any statistical breakdown of immigrant communities in Japan? Eg naturalized, PR, “dual”, etc? Also ethnic groups? Very interested in the growth in diversity.
    2. …in reply to @chadkoh
      @TakeshiMorisato @TokyoKenopsia @waseda_univ @CornellPress @NewBooksNetwork @NewBooksEAsia Also, her student project sounds fascinating. I worked at APU in Beppu a couple of times, while I was doing web PR for Rits. That was 20 years ago and we were seeing mostly Chinese and SE Asian students. Curious to know how that has developed.