chadkoh’s avatarchadkoh’s Twitter Archive—№ 16,555

  1. …in reply to @kellyahammond
    @kellyahammond @toranosukev I still think about Xinjiang in 2004, almost every time I open a newspaper. I reflected on this a couple years back 👇 HK is a good shout. I was there in 1994 and always wanted to go back after handover to see the changes... 😢 /cc @davidrmunson
    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      @kellyahammond @toranosukev @davidrmunson But for me I think the Buddhas of Bamiyan would be the thing I would have liked to have seen (and existed within my adult lifetime). Hopefully I can make it to Petra before anything happens there!