chadkoh’s avatarchadkoh’s Twitter Archive—№ 17,274

  1. Another interesting podcast featuring the effects of depopulation on land use, and how the countryside is coming up with new forms of farming cooperatives to maintain productive land. It makes me wonder… @jannohentzsch/1425530438030958602
    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      … has anyone written a survey on the effects of depopulation in Japan? For example with chapters on: agriculture, governance, economy, health, housing, taxes, military (as per below). I know of Kinoshita’s work, but… What can other advanced economies learn from Japan’s xp? @chadkoh/1425326370079477762
      1. …in reply to @chadkoh
        (That last comment was a reference to @Matt_Alt’s “Pure Invention” which argues that Japan is ahead of the curve compared to the US on everything from manufacturing entertainment to alt-rightism. Check it out!)