chadkoh’s avatarchadkoh’s Twitter Archive—№ 17,325

          1. I am testing out @tryglass by posting a meaningful picture every day for the next 2 weeks. I usually add some commentary about the photo, and think about how it can be improved. Today I posted my Twitter header image: Sakyobanaryujin Shrine #ikijima #壱岐 🧵 1/7
            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @chadkoh
          There is a narrow strip of land, high up on windswept cliff, that juts out into the sea. A small shrine to the dragon god of the sea is perched up there, protecting the fisherman beyond. 2/7
      1. …in reply to @chadkoh
        The wind 🌬️ up here is very strong, and when you walk out to the shrine it feels like you could totter over the cliff at any point. 🙀 3 /7
    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      I rode my bike out there and walked around the area in this hyperlapsed GoPro video (around the 25s mark). At one point I put the camera over the cliff so you can see the drop 4/7
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  1. …in reply to @chadkoh
    If that is too fast, take a look at this walk around from last Feb. You can see the grass is all dry and yellow, but the sea is gorgeous blue 5/7
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    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      I took this shot from a few different angles, but I think the best was this somewhat high angle. It was really difficult to capture how narrow the walkway is. I think the best way to have improved it would be to have used a wide-angle lense. 6/7
      1. …in reply to @chadkoh
        This was taken with a Canon Powershot G7X, my old camera, with no adjustments. If you are interested to @tryglass I have some invite codes left. You can follow me @chadkoh 7/7