chadkoh’s avatarchadkoh’s Twitter Archive—№ 17,371

        1. Takachiho Gorge for @tryglass Day 6 I mostly take photos of instants. It is not often I can sit and wait for the perfect light or the perfect weather. It is usually just a snap… and I miss more than I successfully capture! 1/4
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @chadkoh
        I think this is probably the reason why I am not that great at photography. I can frame a shot, and maybe capture a moment, but I cannot *compose* one. This place is magical. It had been raining, and about 20 mins before this pic I was the guy down in that boat! 2/4
    1. …in reply to @chadkoh
      A million people have taken this exact photo, so it isn't anything special. But I bet you could make something truly wonderful if you came at the right time, with the right weather, proper tripod etc. 3/4
  1. …in reply to @chadkoh
    So what can be improved on this? Pretty much everything I think. Still a good memory though. /fin